You don't need a Forex robot to do this you can build a system yourself and here we will show you how. If you buy or sell these breakouts you can make huge profits as successful Forex trading
- because they are based on two facts about Forex Price movement which will never change:
Forex markets trend for long periods and most trends start and continue from new market highs or lows. The majorities of Forex traders lose, because they refuse to buy or sell breaks and want to get in at a better or lower price and the fact they don't want to go with breakouts, means they work remember 95% of traders lose!
[ ForexGen Platform Advantages ]
• Following the current news of the Forex market
ForexGen online trading platform could accurately cover all the financial market situation, trading execution actions at Forex markets.
• Variable currency basis
Variable currency could be exchanged where any currency could be considered as general currency in the whole online trading operation in all the countries with the their national currencies.
• Economy and productivity
Our trading platform enables implemented data transfer for their economy. It allows supporting great number of online currency exchange traders via a single server with the following patterns: Pentium 4 2 GHz, 512 DDR RAM, and 80 GB HDD. Using recent protocols decreases the requirements of the data link and their execution cost.
• Consistency ( dependability )
ForexGen platform offers a backup and restoration system to handle any damaging to the historical data. In addition, it supports a system which allows restoring the damaged historical databases in course of minutes using another server.
• Security
The whole information exchanged between the different parts of the system is encrypted by 128-bit key which assures the safety of the transferred data and prevents any other person form utilizing this data. To increase the security our system is a built-in DDos attacks guard system it also increases the stability of the server accessing.
• Provided by many languages
A Multilanguage Pack program is provided with [ ForexGen platform ] offering many languages where the trading platform interfaces could be translated to any language. Our Multilanguage pack enables the trader to build his language and integrate it into the platform. This multilingual service facilitates utilizing our trading platform to the worldwide trader.
• ForexGen trading platform interfaces
At our trading platform we provide MetaTrader 4 Server API which allows the customization of the platform according to the trader's desire.
• Utilizing the web services
ForexGen provides the integration with the web services to reach the most qualified online trading services (www, wap). Thus, it allows the real time quotations and charts on the trader's site. In addition, it provides changeable tables containing competitive prices.
• Flexibility of the system
ForexGen platform has the ability to be highly customized where the trader has the ability to set all the platform parameters including the dealing session time and many more properties of the trading instruments.
• Sub-administration
This feature permits several important introducing brokers easily just in only one server. One server only is needed in order to execute all the ibs orders and managing the Forex trader account.
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